Chapter 5 : Section 36
Transitional Independent Living Program and Re-Entry into Voluntary Extended Foster Care
Young adults residing in Arizona may receive transitional living support services through the Transitional Independent Living Program (TILP) when the young adult:
is less than 21 years of age; and
was in out-of-home care and in the custody of the Department, a licensed residential group care facility, or a tribal child welfare agency while 16, 17, or 18 years of age; or
was in another state’s child welfare agency under the same conditions.
Young adults who were in out-of-home care in the custody of the Department, a licensed child welfare agency or tribal child welfare agency on their 18th birthday, and are under 21 years of age, may additionally receive assistance with room and board costs. Funds may not be used for room and board payments for youth who left out-of-home placement and were no longer in the custody of the Department, a licensed child welfare agency, or a tribal child welfare agency prior to their 18th birthday.
The Department will provide young adults who exited foster care through the Department at age 18 or older the ability to re-enter services under the supervision of the Department at any time until the young adult reaches age 21.
The Department shall facilitate re-entry into Voluntary Extended Foster Care for eligible qualified young adults participating in TILP when requested by the qualified young adult.
The young adult must have a service plan that outlines the activities the young adult identifies as necessary to aid in their successful transition to adulthood.
Transitional Independent Living Program
The Transitional Independent Living Program (TILP) provides services to eligible young adults that complement their own efforts toward becoming self-sufficient. The Department, through a contracted provider, may provide the following assistance, depending on the young adult’s service plan goals:
education; or
other appropriate services.
In order to participate in TILP, the young adult must provide the TILP provider with the following information:
identifying information, including the young adult’s name, aliases, and date of birth;
the young adult’s former foster care status and approximate dates of care, if known; and
contact information for the young adult.
The young adult and the TILP provider shall collaboratively develop an individual service plan for the youth that identifies the needs of the young adult, and supports and services that will be provided to address the documented needs.
Re-Entry into the Voluntary Extended Foster Care Program
A qualified young adult is eligible to re-enter extended foster care when the young adult:
is age 18, 19, or 20;
is a legal resident of Arizona and residing in the state;
was in the Arizona state foster care system (in out-of-home care), or in secure care as defined by A.R.S. §8-201(31) through a delinquency action, at the time of his or her 18th birthday; and
is actively participating in the Transitional Independent Living Program (TILP) services as demonstrated by a completed and signed TILP application and benefits agreement, and a completed and signed individual service plan (ISP).
If the young adult requests re-entry into extended foster care, the TILP provider will notify the assigned DCS Regional Coordinator of the youth's request. The DCS Regional Re-entry Coordinator will confirm the youth's eligibility to re-enter care, and within ten work days:
facilitate a meeting with the youth and the TILP provider to review the requirements under R21-5-205;
assist the youth to develop an individual case plan that includes a date for reopening the Department case;
identify the name and contact information of the DCS Specialist who will be assigned to the case;
identify the out-of-home care living arrangement selected such as, foster home, residential group care facility, Independent Living Subsidy Program, or other arrangement;
notify the identified DCS Specialist or TILP provider assigned to the case; and
complete all necessary authorizations for out-of-home care and other services to reasonably ensure a smooth transition from the TILP Services to the voluntary extended foster care program.
If the Department denies re-entry, the Department shall provide the young adult with written notification of the reason for this decision and the young adult’s grievance and appeal rights within 15 work days of the request for re-entry.
The TILP provider will continue to provide services as outlined in the ISP until the case is reopened or the ISP is complete, at which time the service will end. All Department cases approved for re-entry shall have an open date that begins the first day of a new month, unless an alternate date is approved by the Department.
All supportive services discussed at the re-entry meeting, including housing stipends, will be effective upon the date the young adult’s case is re-opened with the Department. The TILP provider and the Department shall ensure the young adult has appropriate housing supports during the transition from TILP case management to Department case management.

A.R.S. § 8-521.01. Transitional independent living program